Psalidi Strand, Kos, Griechenland

+30 2242024454

Dear Guests
We would like to inform you that the safety and health of our guests is our highest priority. We follow predefined and established procedures to prevent infections and have increased our hygiene measures.
Please find below the measures we take in order to ensure the safe and healthy operation of our hotel.

Individual Hygiene Measures & Personal Protective Equipment
Informing and encouraging staff to comply with good personal and respiratory hygiene practices.
Provision of appropriate facilities and required materials to employees and installation of appropriate mechanisms for hand sanitization at the entrances / exits and in the common areas of the hotel.
Providing staff with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment.
Supervision of the adequacy of Personal Protective Equipment.
Training of staff for the safe use of Personal Protective Equipment and supervision of their proper use.
Informing and training staff on the COVID-19 suspected case management plan.
Supervision of third parties entering the hotel and informing them to exercise social distancing and to use Personal Protective Equipment.
Implementation of a gradual arrival / departure schedule for employees to avoid congestion and ensure compliance with the required distances.
Keeping staff informed of personal hygiene and preventive measures in all areas.
Training of employees in case of suspicious symptoms, such as the immediate notification of the Health Officer and the Administration for the prevention of the spread of Covid-19.
Frequent hand washing with soap and water.
Disposal of objects used to disinfect work surfaces in a closed bin.
Avoid shaking hands and generally close physical contact, keeping a distance of at least two meters from colleagues, customers or third parties in all workplaces, hotel areas and rest areas.
Avoiding touching of face with hands.
Informing the Health Officer in case of illness or symptoms compatible with Covid-19 infection or contact with a possible or confirmed case and removal from the workplace.
Staying at home in case of illness and informing the Health Officer.
Return to the workplace only if the laboratory test is negative and after 14 days after close contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19.

Implementation of the necessary hygiene and social distancing measures by the staff.
When requested, the Hotel:
informs visitors about the accommodation policy and the measures taken to deal with any incidents,
provides useful information about health providers, public and private hospitals, COVID-19 reference hospitals and pharmacies in area and
Provision of special equipment (medical kit) in the event of a COVID-19 case, such as gloves and disposable masks, antiseptics, cleaning wipes, apron, long-sleeved robe, laser thermometer.
Training of staff to recognize customer symptoms and report them directly to the Health Officer.
Installation of plexiglass in the reception between guests and staff.
Provision of hand sanitizer.
Regular disinfection of the reception surfaces.
Appropriate configuration of the reception, installation of floor markings at a distance of two meters indicating where guests should stand.
Extention of check-in and check-out period between stays. Check-out until 11:00 a.m. and check-in from 15:00 pm.
During the time between each check-in and check-out between different customers the room is cleaned, thoroughly disinfected and adequate natural ventilation of the space is followed.
Electronic payment of accommodation expenses, electronic sending of bills, invoices and receipts.
Disinfection of key cards.

The housekkeping staff uses a surgical mask, gloves and a disposable waterproof robe.
All surfaces are regularly cleaned and disinfected.
Equipment is discarded in special bags.
When using disinfectants, the area is well ventilated.
Thorough cleaning and good room ventilation are applied during the period between stays.
The proper operation of dishwashers and washing machines in terms of the temperature used and the dosage of detergents is regularly monitored.
Stock of Personal Protective Equipment (gloves, masks, robe, closed shoes, etc.) is regularly monitored.
Discreet monitoring of symptoms in guests by Management.
Housekeeping services will not be provided during a guest’s stay unless otherwise indicated by the guest upon arrival.
After a guest’s departure, all room and bathroom surfaces are thoroughly disinfected with a steam cleaner.
Decorative items have been removed.
Commonly used multi-purpose items such as menus, magazines, books etc. have been removed.
A disposable cover is placed on the lobby TV and air conditioner remote controls.
Fabric surfaces are cleaned with a steam cleaner.

All kitchen staff is required to strictly adhere to HACCP rules.
Goods are received by a specific member of staff who is always required to wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment.
Kitchen staff is required to keep distances according to the guidelines set by the health authorities.

Our buffet restaurant and snack bar offers sufficient space for our guests.
Restaurant staff is taking all the necessary hygiene and social distancing measures.
Minimum distances between tables have been applied.

Common Areas
All surfaces are regularly cleaned and disinfected.
Common areas are well ventilated.
Hand sanitizers have been installed in all common areas of the hotel.
Signs have been installed to remind customers to practise social distancing and washing their hands regularly.
Overcrowding in toilets in public toilets is prohibited.
Signs have been installed in public toilets with instructions on how to reduce airborne transmission.

Environmental Measures
All workplaces are adequately ventilated and air conditioning systems are regularly maintained.
All workplace surfaces, common areas and equipment are regularly cleaned.
In the event of a possible or confirmed case of Covid-19 infection, all areas will be disinfected according to the instructions of the National Public Health Organization.
Covered waste bins have been installed, where all disposable Personal Protective Equipment or other means used to disinfect work surfaces can be disposed of immediately after use.
Work clothes and Personal Protective Equipment are frequently cleaned and safely stored.


Psalidi Strand, Kos, 85300, Griechenland +30 2242024454

Copyright © 2024 Hotel Iris