Psalidi Strand, Kos, Griechenland

+30 2242024454

What are cookies?
A cookie is a small text file that a site saves on your computer or on a mobile device when you visit the site. Allows the site to remember your actions and preferences (such as login, language, font size and other viewing preferences) for a period of time, so you do not have to re-enter them whenever you return to the site or browse from one page to the next .

Enabling these cookies is not absolutely necessary for the site to work but will provide you with a better browsing experience. You can delete or block these cookies, but if you do, some features on this site may not work as intended.

What services do cookies use?
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Do we use other cookies?
Some of our pages or subsystems may use extra or different cookies as described above. If so, these details will be provided on that page. You may be prompted to re-agree to save these cookies.

Accepting or refusing to use cookies
By using the "Accept" and "Deny" buttons you can choose whether you want cookies to be used during your navigation at!
Pressing the "Accept" button turns on the function by using cookies.
Pressing the "Deny" button will disable the feature by using cookies.
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How to check cookies
You can check and/or delete cookies as you like - for details, see You can delete all the cookies that already exist on your computer and you can set most browsers to prevent them from being placed. If you do this, you may need to manually configure certain preferences each time you visit a site, and some services and features may not work.


Psalidi Strand, Kos, 85300, Griechenland +30 2242024454

Copyright © 2024 Hotel Iris